There are various types of martial arts, each with its own set of techniques. While it’s impossible to list all the martial arts, some of the most popular ones include Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Kung Fu.

Each martial art has its techniques and principles that make it unique. However, a few basic functional exercises are common to all martial arts. These exercises help you develop strength, power, speed, and agility, which are essential for martial arts.

  1. Squats

Squats are the perfect exercise for you if you’re the type that aims to develop strength and power. This exercise is one of the most basic and essential moves as it works your entire body, especially your legs and glutes.

To do a squat, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure they are pointed slightly outward. Next, slowly lower yourself by bending your knees until your thighs parallel the ground. Pause for a second, and then push yourself back to the starting position.

Aim to do 3 sets of 10 squats. You can make the exercise more challenging by holding weights in your hands.

  1. Lunges

Glutes and hamstrings are essential in every martial arts technique as they help you generate power. Lunges are a great way to target these muscles.

To make a lunge, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward with your right foot and steadily lower yourself until your thigh is parallel to the ground by bending your right knee. Pause for a second, and then push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg.

  1. Glute Bridge

If you’re not a fan of lunges for your glutes, doing glute bridges can be your next option. After all, the glute bridge is a great exercise for strengthening your glutes. Plus, it’s a good exercise if you’re recovering from an injury.

To begin a glute bridge, lay down on your back with bended knees and feet flat on the ground. Next, lift your torso and upper legs into the air, keeping your feet flat on the ground. Hold the posture for a few moments before lowering yourself gradually to the starting position.

  1. Calf Raises

Your calves are used in several martial arts techniques, such as kicking and jumping. As a result, it’s important to have strong and toned calves. One great way to achieve this is by doing calf raises.

To do a calf raise, start by standing with your feet together. Next, raise your heels off the ground to stand on your toes. Maintain the position for a second, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

  1. Push-ups

Push-ups are a great exercise for developing upper body strength and power. They also work your core and abs.

To do a push-up, start by lying on your stomach with your palms down on the floor. Next, push yourself up until your arms are fully extended. Pause for a second, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

Final Thoughts

Many different functional exercises can benefit martial artists of all levels. By incorporating these exercises into your training routine, you can improve your strength, balance, and coordination, which will help you become a more well-rounded martial artist.

Pride Martial Arts Academy provides an extensive range of martial arts programs that will teach you different techniques that will help you achieve your personal fitness goals. Sign up for a free class today!