Martial arts are a significant aspect of life for many individuals. People engage in it as a sport, a hobby, a form of artistic expression, or as a routine for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also teaches skills that can be used in other facets of life as well as in interpersonal interactions.

Having your child take martial arts lessons has a number of advantages; therefore, many parents are interested in knowing when to enroll their kids. That said, we will go over a few pointers in this article that may guide you along the way.

Some Studies on the Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids

Before we discuss the appropriate disparities in martial arts starting ages, let’s look at what the research has to say about the advantages of martial arts for kids.

  • Childrens’ lives are typically better off as a result of martial arts.
  • Longer martial arts training was linked to decreased levels of aggression in children, according to a study from the National Library of Medicine.
  • A different initiative connected martial arts to primary school anti-bullying efforts.
  • Finally, a study published in the European Journal of Human Movement found a link between martial arts training and stress relief.

Four to Five Years Old

You won’t believe this, but your four-year-old can already participate in martial arts classes! Don’t worry; safety is always considered during training, especially for younger students. To further clarify, they won’t be doing anything particularly challenging or risky.

Your child will spend their time learning the fundamentals in the discipline of their choice, establishing the groundwork for a bright future. The trainers will see to it that they enjoy themselves and gain interpersonal skills in the process.

Your child can start karate at this age, albeit not all martial arts will accept kids this young. As they start school, they may gain confidence and learn the fundamentals of respect.

Six to Ten Years Old

Numerous studies have revealed that if a youngster starts martial arts instruction during this stage of life, they can easily succeed. Some of the most well-known performers made their debut in this age bracket, including Jackie Chan and Jet Li, both of whom started performing at the age of eight. People who start between the ages of seven and ten are considerably more likely to continue into adulthood and earn a black belt.

Eleven Years to Young Adult

Chuck Norris was eighteen when he started training, while Bruce Lee started when he was thirteen. When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon actress Michelle Yeoh started practicing martial arts, she was 22 years old. Most dojos won’t train anyone under sixteen in Krav Maga. Even at age 16, a lot will rely on the child’s temperament.

Some kids mature more quickly than others in the focus and skill required for martial arts. Some people mature far more quickly than others. However, rest assured that there are advantages to starting at any stage, from childhood until young adulthood.


Alas, there is no definitive answer as to when is the “proper” age to enroll a child in martial arts classes. It depends on the child’s physical and emotional development and the martial art style being studied. Some arts, like tae kwon do, can be started at a very young age, while others, like karate, are better suited for children who are a bit older.

It’s important to consult with an experienced instructor to get an accurate assessment of your child’s readiness.

If you are looking for an institution that will help hone your kid’s MMA skills through martial arts training, look no further than our programs here at Pride Martial Arts Academy. We have a wide range of martial arts options to help your kids stay fit and active and have a healthy, emotion-free lifestyle. Call us today for more information about our youth training programs and memberships.