Being a parent nowadays can be tough. Compared to the olden days when parents had an easier time raising kids with outdoor games and activities, the digital age has changed everything. Instead of balls and bikes, children have their eyes glued to their screens and aren’t as interested in activities that are good for their health.

Although getting your kid an iPad may have seemed like a good idea for education and entertainment, it’s important to limit its use. It’s imperative to focus on their physical and mental health, too.

Among the many activities that may encourage them to step away from their devices and get some actual exercise, one option that stands out because of its neurological benefits: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes.


What is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

To best understand why enrolling your little one for classes at Pride Martial Arts Academy is a good idea, let’s go over what this activity entails.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a type of martial art primarily concerned with submission and grappling techniques to subdue an opponent or defend oneself. While it may sound intimidating or even dangerous at first, it’s vital to note that it’s one of the most child-friendly disciplines out there because it can be taught to kids as young as five years old.

Like any other sport, BJJ has numerous benefits for kids, thanks to the type of physical activity and mental processes it requires. If your little one isn’t into traditional sports like basketball or soccer, this martial art serves as the perfect excuse for them to exercise while helping them physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

How Can BJJ Help Your Little One?

The premise of BJJ as a great way to improve your little one’s neurological (and physical, of course) health lies in one key fact: it’s an excellent form of exercise.

Like any other form of being active, this martial art—and any of those taught at our academy—offers endless opportunities for kids and adults alike to improve their neurological health. Compared to other disciplines, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a unique case because it requires students to use their physical and mental capabilities to achieve progress.

When children jump right into their training sessions, their heart rate is elevated from start to finish, which allows their little bodies to pump more oxygen into their brains. Thanks to this biomechanical process, the brain releases hormones that aid in producing more brain cells that will help your kid perform well not only on the mats but also in school and life.

Apart from promoting brain cell production, BJJ can work wonders for your child’s mind because it increases growth factors that lead to more neuron connections. With this process, their brain experiences elevated memory levels that will be sustained in the long run as long as they are consistent with their exercise and training.

Looking to get your kid started but aren’t sure if they’ll like it or not? No need to worry because we offer free trials!


Although most parents enroll their children in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for exercise and self-defense, there are even more benefits to reap because of the mental benefits it brings. If you’re looking to help your kid stay physically and mentally sharp, there’s no doubt you should get them into BJJ as soon as possible.

Are you looking for a top-quality MMA gym in Buffalo, NY, to start your little one’s BJJ journey? Pride Martial Arts is the place to be. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our programs!