When we were young, some of us might have spent our summers in camps or classes to learn new skills during the break. One of the most common lessons taught to kids is martial arts. Learning martial arts was one of the coolest things you could do as a kid. But more than teaching the ability to fight off school bullies, it can teach sportsmanship and give kids a sense of honor. Aside from those, these are some of the life lessons that martial arts can impart to children.


The foundation of martial arts is respect. Before any match starts, players must give each other signs of respect, whether in the form of a fist bump or a bow. Students are also taught to respect their masters.

However, respect goes beyond that. What martial arts can teach a person to be respectful wherever they may be. It doesn’t only affect you in the training space, but even after your sessions.

Martial arts also teaches self-respect—a mindset that’s very evident in sports.


Another essential trait martial arts can teach children is kindness. Although it is a contact sport, educators remind their students to be kind at all times. However, this kindness does not equate to weakness. Martial arts teaches us when to strike and when not to. It shows that kindness is essential in self-awareness and awareness of your surroundings too.


Along with kindness, empathy is a character trait that kids should learn early in their lives. Being empathetic means you are aware of your surroundings and of what other people are feeling. After all, awareness and understanding your opponent in the ring can teach you to understand the person you are interacting with. Through martial arts, children can learn empathy during childhood and retain the trait as they grow up.


Honor and integrity are synonymous with martial arts. Martial artists must adhere to rules to ensure every player’s safety in the sport. In real life, learning how to conduct yourself with honor and integrity is valuable. As children grow older, abiding by codes of honor is the best trait we can teach them.


As people get better at something, they become more confident. That’s the best thing about martial arts or sports in general. It teaches you to become confident in the subtlest ways. And the confidence from martial arts can allow you to handle stressful situations with ease. Through sports, children can believe in themselves and their own talents.



Despite appearing violent, martial arts is more than that. It is a sport where you can get to know yourself, the people around you, and your environment. More than giving you the skills to defend yourself, it involves developing better ways to conduct yourself.

Pride Martial Arts Academy is a martial arts school in Clarence, New York. We are on a mission to build people’s attitudes, behavior, and character through sports. Our programs include Youth MMA, Adult MMA, and Jury Jiu-Jitsu. Come and visit our gyms today to check out our programs.